The CASE and SWITCH statements are similar in function, but differ in the following ways:

The decision on whether to use CASE or SWITCH comes down deciding which of these behaviors fits your code logic better. For example, our first example of the CASE statement looked like this:

CASE name OF

   'Larry': PRINT, 'Stooge 1'

   'Moe':   PRINT, 'Stooge 2'

   'Curly': PRINT, 'Stooge 3'

ELSE: PRINT, 'Not a Stooge'


We could write this example using SWITCH:


   'Larry': BEGIN

               PRINT, 'Stooge 1'



   'Moe':   BEGIN

               PRINT, 'Stooge 2'



   'Curly': BEGIN

               PRINT, 'Stooge 3'



ELSE: PRINT, 'Not a Stooge'


Clearly, this code can be more succinctly expressed using a CASE statement.

There may be other cases when the fall-through behavior of SWITCH suits your application. The following example illustrates an application that uses SWITCH more effectively. The DAYS_OF_XMAS procedure accepts an integer argument specifying which of the 12 days of Christmas to start on. It starts on the specified day, and prints the presents for all previous days. If we enter 3, for example, we want to print the presents for days 3, 2, and 1. Therefore, the fall-through behavior of SWITCH fits this problem nicely. The first day of Christmas requires special handling, so we use a BREAK statement at the end of the statement for case 2 to prevent execution of the statement associated with case 1.



   IF (N_ELEMENTS(day) EQ 0) THEN DAY = 12

   IF ((day LT 1) OR (day GT 12)) THEN day = 12

   day_name = [ 'First', 'Second', 'Third', 'Fourth', 'Fifth', $

                'Sixth', 'Seventh', 'Eighth', 'Ninth', 'Tenth',$

                'Eleventh', 'Twelfth' ]


   PRINT, 'On The ', day_name[day - 1], $

      ' Day Of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:'


   SWITCH day of

      12: PRINT, ' Twelve Drummers Drumming'

      11: PRINT, ' Eleven Pipers Piping'

      10: PRINT, ' Ten Lords A-Leaping'

       9: PRINT, ' Nine Ladies Dancing'

       8: PRINT, ' Eight Maids A-Milking'

       7: PRINT, ' Seven Swans A-Swimming'

       6: PRINT, ' Six Geese A-Laying'

       5: PRINT, ' Five Gold Rings'

       4: PRINT, ' Four Calling Birds'

       3: PRINT, ' Three French Hens'

       2: BEGIN

            PRINT, ' Two Turtledoves'

            PRINT, ' And a Partridge in a Pear Tree!'



      1: PRINT, ' A Partridge in a Pear Tree!'



If we pass the value 3 to the DAYS_OF_XMAS procedure, we get the following output. Achieving this behavior with CASE would be difficult.

On The Third Day Of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me:

   Three French Hens

   Two Turtledoves

   And a Partridge in a Pear Tree!


See Also